Communications Committee
Chair: Celeste MONFORTON & Chip HUGHS
While active most prominently during Ramazzini Days, preparing live tweets and links to Fellows’ University and Agency twitter sites, raising our visibility, this committee plans a year-round agenda with additional volunteers.
Contact Celeste for details.
Program Planning Committee
Chair: Carol RICE & Celeste MONFORTON
Curating our annual Ramazzini Days program takes months and in addition to balancing the content and representation of participants across the program, the effort includes assisting authors with preparing abstracts in the required format for publication.
Email Carol to volunteer.
Ramazzini Award Committee
Chair: Henry ANDERSON
The work of this group is to select a worthy recipient of this annual award, always a challenge given the outstanding credentials of the nominated candidates.
Talk with Henry if you’d like to help.
Education, Training & Capacity Building Committee
Co-Chair: William SUK & Denny DOBBIN
This is a newly integrated set of existing committees that plans CR outreach and responds to training requests.
Ethics Committee
Chair: Karel VAN DAMME
This Committee provides an ethical review of CR Statements, documents, or positions taken when needed. Among our smallest committees, they could still use some new members.
Statements Committee
Co-Chair: Greg WAGNER and Dan HRYHORCHYK
This Committee serves as the organizational structure supporting the authoring teams developing CR Statements and acts as a liaison with the Executive Council on these projects.
Please email Greg or Dan if interested in participating.
Chemicals Committee
Chair: Ludwine CASTELEYN
This Committee includes subject matter experts who are the CR’s vigilant observers on important topics which may require CR action, such as a Statement or other type of public advocacy toward prevention of harm. This Committee is planning to review past actions and current activities to inform a present and future agenda.
Please contact Ludwine with your interest.
Globalization Committee
Chair: Lilian CORRA
This Committee’s focus is on SAICM efforts (The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management), which remain an important agenda for the CR. Given the hiatus of in-person meetings due to Covid, this Committee will be in dialogue with the Chemicals Committee in the coming year to determine current mission synergies.
If you are interested in global chemicals management, please contact Lilian.