
The Collegium Ramazzini is an independent, international academy founded in 1982 by Irving J. Selikoff, Cesare Maltoni and other eminent scientists. It is comprised of 180 internationally renowned experts in the fields of occupational and environmental health. The mission of the Collegium Ramazzini is to advance the study of occupational and environmental health issues and to be a bridge between the world of scientific discovery and the social and political centers which must act on the discoveries of science to protect public health.

The Collegium Ramazzini assesses present and future risks of injury and disease attributable to the workplace and the environment. It focuses especially on the identification of preventable risk factors. It transmits its views on these hazards and their prevention to policy-making bodies, authorities, agencies and the public. By holding conferences, symposia and training courses, publishing statements and research papers and publicizing its views, the Collegium Ramazzini seeks to translate to legislators, regulators and other decision makers the policy implications of scientific findings. The goal of the Collegium Ramazzini is to work towards solutions of occupational and environmental health problems.


The bylaws of the Collegium Ramazzini were formally adopted on 23 October 1982. They were extended to include Article XV in October 1993 and revised in October 2006.

Download the Bylaws of the Collegium Ramazzini
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Join the Ramazzini Days 2024

Carpi, Italy from 24 to 27 October 2024