January 15th 2021

ADRI Receives Official WHO Designation

Fellow Ken Takahashi, informs the Fellows of the Collegium Ramazzini that the Asbestos Diseases Research Institute (ADRI) in Australia just received the official WHO Designation as the WHO Collaborating Center for Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases (AUS-152).  

“Since its inception in 2009, ADRI has aimed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of asbestos-related diseases and at the same time to contribute to more effective measures to prevent exposure to asbestos. The institutional objectives include amongst others; the sharing of preventive technologies to ban/abate asbestos, the elimination/reduction of asbestos-related diseases and the transition to an asbestos-free society – values that are much in line the WHO mandate on occupational health.

To date, ADRI has already demonstrated leadership and innovation in public health advocacy, data sharing, training, capacity-building and technical advice on asbestos-related diseases and has already conducted two successful international workshops in the Philippines and Fiji in 2019 as well as a range of consultancies in preceding years. I am delighted to state that this work, with its primary focus on regional collaboration, will continue to grow stronger under the auspices of and collaboration with the WHO. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your continued recognition and support to ADRI as we take on another level of responsibility.” 



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