April 11th 2021

Eulogy for Professor Vito Foà

 We sadly report that Collegium Ramazzini Emeritus Fellow, Vito Foà passed away on 19 October 2020. 

Foà graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Milan in the academic year 1958/59. In 1962 he specialized in Occupational Medicine at the Clinica del Lavoro in Milan, then directed by Professor Enrico Vigliani. In 1969 he obtained his teaching qualification. In 1977 Foà founded the Section of Toxicology and Industrial Hygiene of the Clinica del Lavoro of Milan and, in the same year, he took over the direction of the journal Medicina del Lavoro, succeeding Prof. Vigliani. For many years he was Director of the Postgraduate School of Occupational Medicine at the University of Milan. In 1990 Prof. Foà was called as full Professor by the University of Bari where he remained for 5 years and then returned to Milan to the Clinica del Lavoro. Within the International Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH) he held the role of the Italian Secretary and served as the President of the ICOH Centennial Congress held in Milan in 2006.


During his professional career, Prof Foà has conducted pioneering research on the carcinogenic amines used as dyes, on organophosphorus pesticides and on pathologies related to the inhalation of fibers in textile industries.  

Professor Foà was one of the founding members of the Collegium Ramazzini when it began in 1982 and, since its inception and for many years, he was a member of the Executive Council. Professor Foà was present in all the most important moments of the Collegium's cultural and scientific life, in particular, every year at the Ramazzini Days in Carpi. Prof Foà was one of Cesare Maltoni's closest friends with whom he shared important initiatives in Italy for the protection of health in the workplace.

To his wife Ruth, his daughter Michaela, President Phil Landrigan, and Secretary General Morando Soffritti express their deepest condolences, also on behalf of all the Collegium Fellows.



The General Secretariat of the Collegium is located in the Castle of Bentivoglio, near Bologna. For any inquiries write us a message.
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Carpi, Italy from 24 to 27 October 2024