Ramazzini Days

Ramazzini Days 2019

24-27 October, 2019 Carpi, Italy

Questions regarding the scientific program may be sent to Melissa McDiarmid mmcdiarm@medicine.umaryland.edu and Carol Rice carol.rice@uc.edu.

Schedule of Events

Thursday, 24 October 2019


Conference check-in
Hotel Touring


Welcome aperitivo
Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring


Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring

Friday, 25 October 2019


Scientific Session I: Casale Monferrato: Lessons learned and the road ahead
Chair: L. Christine Oliver, USA
Session Monitor: Ellen K. Silbergeld, USA
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • Casale Monferrato: Lessons learned and the road ahead
    L. Christine Oliver, USA
  • A community in need of a novel approach to cure and care
    Daniela Degiovanni, Italy
  • Focus on clinical and translational research in the mesothelioma unit of Alessandria and Casale Monferrato Hospitals
    Federica Grosso, Italy
  • Asbestos related diseases epidemiology and surveillance in Italy: Road ahead and still open questions
    Alessandro Marinaccio, Italy
  • Criminal prosecution of business executives for occupational cancer in Italy
    Barry Castleman, USA



Scientific Session II: Ongoing Experimental Studies at the Ramazzini Institute
Chair: Fiorella Belpoggi, Italy
Session Monitor: Karel Van Damme
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • The contribution of in vivo experimental research to the knowledge of adverse effects of RFR on human health
    Fiorella Belpoggi, Italy
  • New evidence on the effects of glyphosate exposure from in vivo studies and a historical agricultural cohort
    Daniele Mandrioli, Italy; Jia Chen, USA; Melissa Perry, USA
  • Effects caused by pesticides on the the historical cohort of the Patecipanza Agraria in Emilia Romagna
    Angela Guaragna, Italy

Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring


Scientific Session III: The key characteristics approach to hazard identification
Co-Chairs: Martyn Smith (USA) and Lauren Zeise (USA)
Session Monitor: Kurt Straif
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • Introduction to the key characteristics approach
    Martyn Smith
  • The key characteristics approach to hazard identification
    Martyn Smith
  • Key characteristics of endocrine-disrupting chemicals
    Michele LaMerrill, USA
  • Application of the key characteristics of carcinogens in IARC Monographs
    Kathryn Z. Guyton, France
  • Key characteristics of bioactive chemicals
    Linda S. Birnbaum, USA
  • Key Characteristics Approach to Organizing and Assessing Upstream Toxicity Information
    Lauren Zeise, USA

Special Session: The Islands and the Whales’
Chair: Pal Weihe
Session Sponsor: Philippe Grandjean
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • The islands, the whales, and human health (with film screening)
    Pal Weihe


Free time


Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring

Saturday, 26 October 2019


Local Activity for Guests: Walking tour of Carpi
Departure from the Lobby of the Hotel Touring


Council of Fellows
Town Hall of Carpi


Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring


Scientific Session IV: Work of the Fellows Poster Session
Co-Chairs: Jonny Meyers & Casey Bartram
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • Diagnostic challenges of mixed dust pneumoconiosis Xaver Baur, Germany
  • Assessing the feasibility of preventing injury risks and improving work safety amongst factory workers in an urban slum: a participatory before-and-after intervention study: preliminary results
    Grazia Caleo, UK
  • The discovery of PFOA pollution in the Veneto region
    Laura Facciolo, Italy (hosted by Philippe Grandjean)
  • Effects of short and long-term alcohol-based fixation on Sprague-Dawley rat tissue morphology, protein and nucleic acid preservation
    Federica Gnudi, Italy
  • Protecting decommissioning workers at hazardous remediation sites
    Michael Gochfeld, USA
  • Asthmatic symptoms and airborne environmental pollution in the town of Terni, central Italy
    Nicola Murgia, Italy
  • Are sunscreens efficient to prevent the effect of UV radiation?
    Daniela Pelclova, Czech Republic
  • Ethical issues in cancer prevention: A different challenge for behavioral and environmental risk factors
    Annie Jeanne Sasco, France
  • The analysis of longitudinal data from life-span carcinogenicity bioassays on Sprague-Dawley rats
    Daria Sgargi, Italy
  • Dietary intake of acrylamide and risk of breast, endometrial and ovarian cancers: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis
    Tommaso Filippini, Italy
  • Exposure to inorganic selenium in drinking water and incidence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a long-term follow-up of a natural experiment
    Marco Vinceti, Italy

Scientific Session V: Work of the Fellows Oral Presentations
Chair: Xaver Baur
Session Monitor: Richard Duffy
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

  • Mortality from silicosis in Brazil: Temporal trends in the period 1980-2017
    Eduardo Algranti, Brazil
  • Radiographic changes in Colombian asbestos factory workers
    Arthur Frank, USA
  • Severe silicosis outbreak in engineered stone fabrication workers - U.S. perspectives
    Robert Harrison, USA
  • The first announcement of establishing The Japan Association of Occupational Health Law
    Fujio Kayama, Japan
  • The triumph of doubt: Dark money and the science of deception
    David Michaels, USA
  • Potential role of Army Medical Forces in fighting cancer: An untapped resource
    Pier Giorgio Natali, Italy
  • Sibaté, Colombia: Another asbestos induced public-health crisis
    Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla, Columbia

Free time


Ramazzini Award and Ramazzini Lecture: Dr Richard Lemen
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio

The 2018 Ramazzini Award will be conferred upon Richard Lemen in recognition of his more than four decades of dedication to the cause of protecting workers against occupational hazards and in particular recognition of his leadership and advocacy in protecting workers against asbestos.

Ramazzini Lecture
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Richard Lemen, USA


Direct departure for social dinner
Bus pick-up at Hotel Touring: Ristorante il Narciso

Sunday, 27 October 2019


Scientific Session VI: Work of the Fellows Oral Presentations
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio Chair: Linda Birnbaum
Session Monitor: Yoram Finkelstein

  • Update from the IARC Monographs and beyond.
    K. Straif, Lyon
  • Child labor among Syrian refugees living in Lebanon: A story of deprivation and neglect
    Rima R. Habib, Lebanon
  • The legacy of mercury poisoning and racism: The case of a First Nation community in Canada
    Donna Mergler, Canada
  • 20 years after the Libby Montana asbestos response: Past, current, and future issues
    Aubrey Miller, USA
  • Migrants’ health at risk: The Mediterranean case and the public and environmental health agenda
    Rodolfo Saracci, Italy



Advocacy Planning and Collegium Ramazzini Standing Committee Meetings
Sala delle Vedute, Palazzo dei Pio


Farewell Lunch
Ristorante La Bottiglieria, Hotel Touring

Join the Ramazzini Days 2025

Carpi, Italy from 23 to 26 October 2025